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What the heck is Tour de Carne Asada

What the heck is TdCA?

Let's put it this way. The Tour de Carne Asada is a not so serious addition to something that has become pretty serious. The CAF Million Dollar Challenge is amazing accomplishment, and in it's 10th year, it's certainly still delivering on it's promise to bring an epic adventure of riding from San Francisco to San Diego by bicycle. This year, an entire group of new people will experience that thrill for the first time. That's great!

.... but... some other crazy folks wanted to do more. In 2013 we organized a trip north. Some talked a good game about doing more but only Cody, Mark and myself rode from Santa Barbara up to San Francisco, then only I rode back with the rest of the MDC cyclists to San Diego. I had a number of people ride up next to me and say things like 'if you ever do that again, I'm SO DOING IT' and 'Count me in for next time'.

Tour de Carne Asada (TdCA) is named for my love of meat. Specifically meat that had a mother. On our trip north, we traveled along many backroads along ranches with happy cows, goats, sheep and giant delicious looking bulls. It made me hungry for Carne Asada.

So what better way to celebrate MDC's 10th Anniversary then riding from Border to Border. Oregon to Mexico, and sample some culinary highlights (not all meat for my vegan, lactose intollerant, socially concious friends), and check off a massive 'someday' from our bucket list of somedays.

This site is just an outline of what you might expect. Routes, lodging WILL most likely change. If you are on the email list, you'll be sure to be in the loop. There will be a deposit at some point so I can get a real headcount and start making reservations, but that time is NOT yet. If you have interest, signup for the email list below. Also, here's a FAQ that might answer some more questions.

Bob Bingham

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