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TdCA Finale: La Jolla to Mexico

The final ride depart, missing one, but still happy that the finish line is in sight.

Somehow I was up before the alarm and trying to figure out the timing to get to the ride on time. We've been in hotels for two weeks, a different room every night. I had a routine on where everything is in my bag, I lay out what I need the night before so I don't have to think very much before the coffee kicks in. I then walk to breakfast, leave the towels on the floor, roll my bags to the baggage guys, etc. Crazy amazing support, but also a set of tasks that favor routine.

Today was not one of those mornings. But somehow I managed to collect my gear, have the proper shade of Eliel Orange on, and arrive on time at our appointed location at La Jolla Shores, the site of the previous day's emotional reunion for MDC. It was still humid, sticky and drizzly. But this time we had Rich! He was dutifully setup with our morning snacks and goodies and perhaps chilling our afternoon beverages. It was truly great to see him! He also had whipped up some bacon for us!

We rolled. With some friends. Loren, Angie, John and Jim joined us to witness first hand our historic (well, maybe not historic) our epic ending to our journey down the coast.

Today was the 13th day of riding if you count our Rapha/Coffee/Golden Gate noodle ride in San Francisco on our 'day off' last Friday. We clicked over 1,100 miles and some crazy front loaded climbing days the first week. Today was also no joke, as we selected a rather pot hole filled route around San Diego Bay and down to the border park. We did manage to get lost, as I tried to route us down a horse trail, and it was long since inaccessible. Luckily Ian was a man on a mission and lead us to the proper spot.

We found Rich! and we found Don, who after having his Achilles diagnosed, pulled out in Santa Barbara, he's been enjoying some time off the bike a bit too much and decided to come join us for the highlights, not the long pulls into the wind that he is famous for.... but I digress. He borrowed Jim's bike and joined us for a small off-road expedition to the site of the friendship park and the bizarre high-security literal hole in the wall that allows two peoples to look through some metal grate and communicate between two countries. But that finger I stuck through the hole in the grate was in Mexico damn it! It counts!

Our nine then were presented their monogramed #tdca bathrobes. As Alumni of TdCA, the nine can enjoy unlimited access to the club house, and free drinks from the club bar (rehydration station) among other unpublished benefits of the Alumni hall of fame of the Carne Asada... So they have that going for them!

There is no way we could have pulled this event off without Rich Clakely. He jumped into the Service and Gear (SAG) business with both feet. He learned a ton, but also made everyone feel special. I've know him a long time, and I know he works hard, but for this event, HE WORKED HARD! Thank you so much my friend. It was a blast to plan, and I'm so glad you 'got it' and could execute with pefection.

We missed Mihai today, but everything can't be perfect every day! He was missed! His yummy food and healthy concious selections warmed our bellies for five amazing days in the north. We only wish he could have continued on with MDC. Fresh tableside family style lunchs along California's most epic seaside locales will be a lifelong memory! And to do it out of the back of a van with just two burners! Fantastic! Can't wait until we find you a proper kitchen!

So many amazing stories and touching moments. We each began this event for a number of reasons. It was hard, it was meaningful, it was legendary, it was scenic and on roads that nobody have ever done somthing like this on. Whatever the reason, I think we each found far, far more. I'm so very proud of our Nine. We did it!

More pics, video and stories are coming. TdCA might be done for now, but don't put a fork in us yet.

The nine recieve liftime alumni benefits at and these really snazzy bathrobes. Why bathrobes, stay tuned.

Ian and Stath reach the park first. The fence in the water is the border. We made it!

a lonely start this morning from the shores. The site of our MDC return the day before.

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